Thursday, October 16, 2014

Review Bentley Mounts PLW-104 Tilt-Adjustable Plasma Wall Mount for 23-37 Flat Screens 165lbs Load Capacity Black

A week ago. I search for information on the Bentley Mounts PLW-104 Tilt-Adjustable Plasma Wall Mount for 23-37" Flat, so i would like to describe here.

Bentley Mounts PLW-104 Tilt-Adjustable

Bentley Mounts PLW-104 Tilt-Adjustable Plasma Wall Mount for 23-37" Flat Screens

The Bentley Mounts PLW-104 Tilt-Adjustable Plasma Wall Mount (Black) is designed for large 23-37" flat-screen displays up to 165 lbs. With this unit your display mounts almost flush with the wall conserving its clean elegant look. This Mount features a Read more

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Tags: TVs & Home EntertainmentTVsDisplay Mounts / Stands


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